How to cure house hygiene when we live with a cat

octobre 12, 2017

Who is preparing to take a cat, or who has already one, can deal with the fear of bad smells in the house.
In this article, we will see how to conciliate the needs of domestic hygiene with our pet ones. Cats are very clean animals.
They daily commit a lot of time to their own hygiene. In addition to the obvious cleaning reason, licking is essential for our cats to keep intact the thermoregulating properties of their fur.


Moreover, cats tend to use different environments for different functions: if space allows, they don’t love to eat, rest and use the litter in the same environment. Although, in general, cat adapts himself easily to apartment’s life.


Of course, in an apartment where cats live, the principal source of bad smells is the litter. Here are some simple advices that allow us to cancel, or at least reduce, problems connected to it:


Put the litters in a ventilated environment and possibly dry.

This allow to avoid the permanence of bad smells and to keep longer the liquid absorbing quality of the litter. So avoid rooms without windows, or balconies if not sufficiently protected from bad weather.

Make sure that the depth of the litter is always appropriate to our cat’s needs.

Naturally, cats are used to cover their faeces, it is an innate behavior. A sufficient amount of product allow, therefore, a better hygiene and a better treatment of liquids and smells.

Clean regularly the litter.

The previous precautions together with the litter cleanliness, contribute to our wellness and to our cat’s one. Don’t forget, indeed, that cats are very selective about where to execute their physical needs, and they will tend to avoid the litter if it’s too dirty or smelly.


For this reason, it is always more important to choose a litter suitable for your own domestic necessities and for your cat’s ones. Agglomerating litters create a solid sand ball that covers cat’s faeces, so that it becomes possible to remove them easily without changing the whole litter.

In this category, we recommend our Active Plus: totally composed by bentonite (clay mineral with a natural absorbing power and not chemically treated) added with active carbon, it guarantees a very rapid agglomeration holding back bad smells. It does not dirty: the powders contents are very low and they will not be scattered around by your cat. Active Plus has a particularly high duration (6 liters last 30 days).


Absorbent litters, instead, have a high capacity of holding liquids and smells, limiting bacterial proliferation. Between these, our Saniplus litter, 100% composed by urasite, a clay not chemically treated and highly absorbent, with the add of bitter orange essential oil, naturally antiseptic and antimycosis, for a better health and hygiene of the cat and his environment.


Silicon gel litters are formed, instead, by crystals, capable to quickly absorb liquids and to remove bacterial charge of the faeces, that rapid dehydration makes easy to remove. Silicon is a hypoallergenic material, it does not create dust and does not stick to cat’s paws, it is light and easy to carry. Between these litters, we recommend our Crystal selection, even in Crystal Aloe Vera variation, with the pleasant Aloe aroma.


Our selection is completed by Lovable Nature, an agglomerating litter with a very high quality, totally vegetable and biodegradable, obtained by mais corncob. It’s possible to dispose of it in home wc, too and, in addition not to damage pipes, it helps the removal of its sediments.


In conclusion, with some precaution, suitable cures and aware purchase choices, living with our cat without compromising domestic hygiene is easy, and it increase a lot life quality and cat’s and owner’s happiness.


Beyond hygienic issues, don’t forget to make our pet be visited by a vet, if he emanates an abnormal smell. In addition to mouth problems (as gums ache or tartar), that can cause halitosis, other unpleasant smells could signal infections or wounds that we did not see, or problems to digestive system. A prompt identification of these symptoms is useful, so that our cat’s health would be always on top.



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